Leading through the Menopause

On Saturday, I attended a ground breaking WomenEd conference 'Leading through the Menopause.' As the morning progressed, I felt more and more convinced that something further needs to be done in schools and education to further support women experiencing the menopause and being surrounded by all these amazing women talking about their experiences and what … Continue reading Leading through the Menopause

Women in Leadership – IWD 2021: Choose to Challenge

In October 2014, I became a mother for the first time. At that point, I was a Head of Department and had been in role for three years. As soon as my eldest daughter was born, I knew that I had to readdress my work-life balance to ensure that I was able to spend sufficient … Continue reading Women in Leadership – IWD 2021: Choose to Challenge

How do we build a research culture in schools through professional development?

At the beginning of last academic year, we introduced Professional Development Groups (PDG) into school in order to increase and encourage teacher engagement with robust research. The plan being that all teaching staff are in a small group, most departmentally based and others grouped based upon a common interest, with a clear focus and research … Continue reading How do we build a research culture in schools through professional development?